martedì 27 agosto 2013

Once upon a my crazy mind!

C'era una volta in un bar di Caracò
un omino carino che aveva bevuto un bel po'.
Forse vi chiederete il motivo della sua bevuta,
sì, insomma, da dov'era venuta.
Vedete, il mistero non è così complicato,
l'omino era solo emozionato;
con l'ennesimo bicchiere si mise a sedere,
cercando a fatica di non cadere.
Col cuore in gola e le guance rosse,
cercava di trattenere la balbuzie e la tosse.
Ma ogni timore presto svanì,
quando guardandola capì...............che anche per lei era così.

Anna Pini :futura vate. (non vate-R, mi raccomando non confondetevi...)

Once upon a time in a pub of Turkey-trot
there was a cute man who had drunken a lot.
Maybe you will wonder 'bout the reason of his drinking
If there was any logical thinking.
But the mystery is not that hard
for the guy was excited like an ancient bard;
with the umpteenth glass he tried to sit on the chair
struggling so hard not to fall down the stairs.
With his heart in his throat ad two blazing cheeks
he knew way too well he was reaching the peak.
But every fear soon gone away
when looking at her he understood.........she was feeling the same way

Anna Pini: future poet laureate

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